Baby Poems

He is here at last
A baby boy
Bringing your lives
Lots of joy

With lots of smiles
And plenty of laughter
He will fill your lives
Forever after

A girl, a girl
A girl is born
Born today
On this lovely morn

With a bubbly smile
And a cute curl
She is oh so cuddly
This beautiful girl

What a wonderful day
You have a new son
His birth a miracle
A new life has begun

While you think of the future
Don't forget the past
And enjoy the present
Because his childhood won't last

What fun
What mirth
To a new daughter
You've given birth


But what a day
It’s finally here
Nine months down
The birth oh, so near

Off to the hospital you go
You’re all in a whirl
But what will it be
A baby boy or baby girl

Baby Poems

The life that stirs inside of you

Is always on my mind dear

Thinking of you constantly

Even more as the day draws near

I’m so thrilled it’s coming soon

And might I just say

I’ll be one proud dad

On that fantastic day


Congratulations and exultations

The little one’s finally here

After nine long months

We give a hearty cheer


Little baby blue eyes

Has come into the world

With golden hair and rosy cheeks

A little baby girl


Little baby blue eyes

A wonderful bundle of joy

With brunette hair and rosy cheeks

A little baby boy


Your routine’s changed

Always in demand

The baby’s here now

Time to strike the band

A new baby girl

Fills the house with laughter

Joy and good fun

You’ll look after her ever after