22 Aug

In this world so dark, I must confess
That life with you is a laugh not a test
You really know how to bring out my best
Loving you only, forsaking the rest

So I thank you my dear for loving only me
Thank you my dear for setting me free
Thank you my dear helping me see
No longer you and I, but now only we.


And, so, as we walk through this journey hand in hand
Facing challenges, both planned and unplanned
Thank you for helping me understand
That you lover for your love so grand

And, as we settle into a lover’s embrace
Not a sprint, but the long-distance race
You’ve always helped me to face
So, thank you for your unbounded grace.


Thank you dear fridge
For your icy calm
For keeping our food from spoiling
To keep it fresh from the farm
To save us from poisoning
To keep us from harm.

Thank you dear toilet
For always being there
For flushing life’s troubles
Without a single care.

Oh, porcelain throne
You’re a friend, oh, so rare

Thank you dear washer
For washing my clothes
For taking life’s grind
That’s often on the nose
Going through the spin cycle
And rinsing away life’s woes

So thank you dear appliances
You really make life easy
From keeping our food fresh
To washing clothes so greasy
For flushing away our waste
And leaving it so breezy

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