Covid Night Before Christmas

Twas the night before Christmas it was full of good cheer
Because the end of the lockdown was finally here.

So what has happened since October 8
Freedom regained, no need to isolate

No time for fears, nighttime’s for slumber
No need to worry about tomorrow’s daily number

No need to hide out alone in your room
Spending all day on a computer to zoom

No time for our hair to be unkempt and wild
We can go to the hairdresser for a cut, colour and style.

Finally, far and wide we can roam
And more than five visitors we can have in our home

So the family are coming over there’s a party to host
With turkey and ham and a succulent pork roast

The children were awake, bolt upright in bed
They’d been asleep half the day, their eyes bloodshot red

As a result of the pandemic they’d become so alone
Staying up all night on tablets and phone

But up at the North pole things weren’t getting better
Because of corona Santa was getting fewer letters
And because of this his woes started to escalate
He may need to sit on the shelf to elf isolate

If there’s a case of covid it’d shut down the lines
The presents this year he’d have to order online

If he was to deliver presents he’d have to move quick
If he caught corona he’d get very sick

But Santa had been busy, he hadn’t been lax He’d got the jab, he’d been double vaxed

So Santa was able to deliver to the community
Because he wore a mask and the reindeer had herd immunity

So the stockings were hung by the chimney with care
With hopes that Saint Nicholas soon would be there

What would Santa bring? What would it be?
Perhaps the latest travel accessory

But that was tomorrow, Christmas Eve was at hand
We still had the rest of the holiday to plan

Because this was the happiest of seasons
And the Premier had opened up all the regions

That left only one remaining thing to do
Grab your suitcase, toothbrush and travel game too

We’d have to move quick because heaven knows.
It doesn’t take much for the borders to close

This Christmas is different it’s not like the last
Everything’s open the lockdown has passed.